With the thought of applying to colleges on everyone’s mind, it is necessary to admit that college is expensive. Most people’s first thought when thinking about paying for college is student loans. The downside of that is that you have to eventually pay back your debt, which ultimately ends up costing more than was paid in the first place due to interest. Scholarships, on the other hand, allow students to be awarded money to pay for college. This means less money out of pocket and less debt in the long run.
The famous line from Jerry Maguire stands out, “Show me the money.” To affordably attend an institution of any kind, green needs to be seen. The good news is, there are many scholarships available for everyone. Still, as seniors, it is important to make ourselves aware of scholarship opportunities that could potentially reduce the cost of college substantially. The truth is that many do not know where to start.
On October 19, National English Honor Society will be hosting the first senior scholarship studio. Seniors are welcomed during activity period, English Classes, study hall, lunch periods, and in any period in which permission is granted. School counselors will be available during lunch periods. A registration link will be sent to students’ emails in early September. This will give students the opportunity to explore scholarship opportunities, write admittance and scholarship essays, and utilize resources such as ELA teachers, peers, and school counselors to help us be successful. It is time to start planning for college, and we can start by making our college experience more affordable and accessible. Who would be opposed to that?