Led by Mr Emanulson, the director, and choreographer, Mrs. Kertoy, Hempfield Area’s Show Choir is ready to take on Chicago. The Show Choir is a competitive organization with performances that combine singing and dancing. Show Choir has similarities to the show Glee, but not nearly as far-fetched. Excitingly, this year, the Show Choir was able to have an actual class period to practice. Mrs. Kertoy highly praises the group this year, as she claims, “this class is the best thing that’s happened for [show choir]. Everyone’s gotten really close.”
The show choir wasn’t designed for just students who typically perform in the play or the choir, but for any student willing to try out. Tryouts for next year are happening right now! The team does make cuts if need be, but that shouldn’t make singers and performers shy away from trying out! Rather, Mrs. Kertoy and Mr. Emanuelson hope that everyone who is interested will put their best foot forward.
The show choir has multiple performances throughout the year, but only one competitive one. Last year, they emerged victorious at the competition at Cedar Point. This year, they are traveling on a seven hour long bus ride to the Windy City to compete. In Chicago, they will challenge other schools across the country in hopes of returning home victorious.
However, it’s not just about the competition for our show choir. They have performed for concerts and even for nursing homes. During Christmas, they performed songs from Elvis’ Christmas album. When spring hits, they perform a variety of music from different eras. With “Moondance” from the 60s, “Get On Your Feet” from the 90s, and “Better When I’m Dancing” from the 2010s, the choir closes their performance with the well known hit, “Shut Up and Dance.”
Show Choir’s performances are open to the public and are posted on their social media page. Follow them @hahsshowchoir on TikTok to see some of their performances.