On the day before Christmas break, Harrold’s student council organized a Dodgeball for Charity event. Students paid $5 to enter the round-robin tournament that went on all day with winning teams entering the finals when all teams came together to cheer on their friends and classmates.

After many fun games, the winner ended up being homeroom 106 with homeroom 211 placing as the runner-up. The teams then chose which charities the money raised went to. Room 106 donated their portion to the Cam Hayward House, and Homeroom 211 donated to Hempfield Area Mini-THON.
The day was so much fun for all the students. Andrew Bentz explains, “My favorite part about the day was cheering on my friends from the sidelines.”
However, dodgeball fun didn’t end there though. On February 1st, the winning homeroom played one more game, but this time against the teachers. Ninth grade students got to watch their friends hit some of their favorite teachers, all in good fun. The Hempfield Area Mini-THON team even gifted the ninth-grade student council t-shirts to throw into the crowd as a thank-you for their donation.
Dodgeball for Charity was not only an enjoyable event, but it also raised over 1,000 dollars to benefit great causes.