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The Person in the Painting

Featuring Emily Flores
"Choldhood" is a tribute to Emily Flores' Abuelas and thier impact on her life.
“Choldhood” is a tribute to Emily Flores’ Abuelas and thier impact on her life.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and yet you never truly know the whole story. When looking at a painting, you never know what inspired the brilliant mind to create the masterpiece. We are lucky to have an exceptional artist at Hempfield Area Senior High School, Emily Flores, share the stories embedded in her paintings. When you take a look at any piece of hers, you see vibrant colors, distinct lines and a collage of details carefully chosen to cover the canvas. Behind the fine details of her work lie the history that makes Emily Flores the person she is. 

Flores was born and raised in Texas until she moved to the Keystone State when she was 14. Growing up, Emily was surrounded by her abuelas and other family members who immigrated from Mexico. It is this family that taught her the values of latin culture along with the language and customs. Her cultural influence is a vital part of the way she lives and expresses herself. Her latin heritage can be seen in the bright hues of color and the small details enveloping her art. From the flowers and clothing, to the bright cheerful energy radiating from the canvas, the aspects in Flores’ art is not just the interpretation of her culture, but rather a piece of herself. 

Emily is an active scholar on top of artistic excellence. She is the treasurer of the local branch of the National Arts Honors Society here at Hempfield Area. Furthermore, Flores is the secretary of the National Spanish Honors Society and an active member of the National Honors Society.  Emily enjoys involving herself within her community and helping others thrive. It is this passion of hers that drives her to want to become a teacher. Excitingly, she plans to teach art after attending Seton Hill. Emily Flores is a kind hearted scholar and an exquisite artist. She is a natural born perfectionist who never considers a project complete, and this has led to her making her art, her life and the lives of those around her better. 

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