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Valentine’s Gift Guide For Guys

Desperate last minute gift ideas to avoid being broken up with
Valentine's Gift Guide For Guys

So, you forgot that it’s almost the 14th, and you have someone in your life who will be waiting on a gift. It’s too late to order much of anything online, and everything at Target or the mall is bought out. The bad news? It’s officially rush hour. The good news? This isn’t totally hopeless. Here are some last-minute ideas on what to do for your Valentine that won’t make it entirely obvious that you forgot.

Jot it Down: Letters are a cliche for a reason. Don’t just write “Happy Valentine’s Day”. If you’re making a card out of a blank piece of paper, look some ideas up on Pinterest to personalize it. It’s not the card itself, but the effort that counts. Recount old memories that strengthened your bond with this person. Recite the little things about them. A letter is a chance to say everything that you can’t find the opportunity to say during everyday conversation.

Keep it Short n’ Sweet: While chocolates may be the obvious answer, any sort of snack or drink you know your person likes can add more to whatever you already have. Pick up their favorite coffee order (we always recommend Cutie’s Coffee in Greensburg that provides heart straws with every drink), stop and get them something off of Crumbl’s menu. This doesn’t even have to be something sweet. If you know that they’d prefer something from Chipotle, then get it. Your best asset with last minute gift giving is how much you know the person. Use that to your advantage.

Cut and Paste: Depending on the amount of time you have, Amazon should be able to deliver a blank scrapbook in time for the day. If not, you can make any sort of notebook/journal lying around aesthetically pleasing. Get some scrapbook stickers, print some pictures at Walgreens, and create something to hold all of your memories.

Run a Quick Errand: Dropping by Target or any local store to get something is always a decent last minute idea, even if the Valentine’s section is a bit empty. While dropping a paycheck on some jewelry would be nice, that’s not always possible. A stuffed animal or something personal that they’ve mentioned before works just as well.

Plan it Out & Combine It: The best way to make these gifts not seem minimal effort is to do more than one. Giving a card and a separate gift has more impact than just doing one or the other, and when mixed with something nice planned out for the day, you’ve officially escaped a bad Valentine’s Day! (and now you know to check the calendar a little closer next year.)

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