Mrs. Ashley Testa
It’s year three for Trap Shooting at Hempfield Area High School, and according to senior and co-captain, Tanner Hayes, “this is bound to be the best year yet. Hayes attributes the team’s growth and success to their willingness to “share their progress” and “desire to improve.”

Last year, Hempfield Area had 2 shooters who advanced to individual finals. Hunter Fligger and Drew Ronald both completed in the national competition with a score of 97/100 finishing in 112th and 125th place out of 1,735 shooters.

This year, the team hopes to mirror this success. As they arrived at Youngwood Sportsmen’s Club, the team joked and chatted comfortably together while they waited for their turn to shoot. It’s this camaraderie along with dedication to craft that makes this team truly hit the targets.

The team is run by coaching staff Robert Ronald, Craig Rau, Jim Clester, Rob Sweatlan, and Randy Fligger. Along with these coaches, Drew Ronald, Tanner Hayes, and Luca Smith lead the team as captain and co-captains. Hayes says he feels he was chosen as co-captain because he is reliable. “I help out, and I always show up,” he says.
As of Week 3, Hempfield Area’s Trap Team ranks second overall with Drew Ronald in 3rd, Hank Fligger in 5th, and Kaden Ficco in 10th amongst males in their division. Impressively, Peyton Hall currently ranks 3rd amongst all females in the state.

Ronald comments that “it has been a fun journey being on the team,” and that he is excited as the “success [of the team] continues to grow.”
The team trains at least two days a week, Sunday and Monday, with Tuesdays serving as an optional practice day. Senior Aiden Caramellino says he feels the team is “being recognized this year as a real sport,” and it is this feat that makes him very excited for the season.