Mini-THON has become a staple at Hempfield Area High School. The overall administrator this school year is Addi Busch, who is also a senior and a member of our swim team. This year’s administration team is further staffed by Kasey Williams, Kennedy Nelson, Carly Colleta, Andrew Burgess, Abby McCullough and Nate Biondi.
During this school year, Addi Busch and her team are coming up with new ideas to help continue the growth of Mini-THON and enhance the efforts of our school and community. They are proud to announce their new Gold Donation, used to give a portion of the money raised to families in the community. Additionally, for this year’s Spooktacular, the team decided to give children the opportunity to paint pumpkins with gold paint for Little Hero Foundation that will donate $1 for every gold design. As Busch takes an important position in Mini-THON, she as well as the team have many thoughts still brewing about their potential progress.
As Busch explains, her team isn’t students forced to come together, but rather, “they all work so well together.” Addi and her team are working hard to stay very organized and keep everything in order to lead to success at the final event on March 28, 2025.
Addi Busch has learned many important lessons from previous leaders Ella Jones and Malea Nadeo- this has propelled Addi to where she is today. Addi is still continuing many of the successful events which took shape over the past two years, while also creating new ones.
Registration is now open for the Color Run on November 10, and Busch hopes it is even bigger than in previous years. Dig for Diamonds is also an event being held again in January after much success from years past. This event allows for partnership with our neighboring school, Greensburg Salem, adding to the fun.
Mrs. Testa, an English teacher who has worked at Hempfield Area for the past 15 years, serves as the organization’s advisor. When reflecting on her past and current teams, she says, “Each year, the Admin Team sets the stage for the event. The first year was innovative. They created everything from scratch. They paved the way for all of the years to come. The second year was ambitious. They wanted to supersede what had been accomplished and to set new records. This year’s team, both innovative and ambitious, is also very thoughtful and deliberate. They are focused on the goal of fundraising but more so and more importantly, on the cause.”
She emphasized that she is most impressed that “They want to raise awareness and bring this community together.” This latter part being what she deems most important about the organization.
Each year’s team creates a slogan that manifests their ideology. This team says, “Together we can make the difference.” We believe they truly will.
Donate to Hempfield’s Effort: https://fourdiamonds.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=4444