This year and this past school year, to put it simply, have been full of unpredictability, adaption, and the unknown. As one of the hundreds of sophomores who has finally made their way to the high school, I can attest to the multitude of differences that have come with moving to a new building, for some the second school year in a row.
To start off, going from such a small building, like Harrold, to the high school is a big change in itself. For many, including myself, Harrold was bittersweet. It was great for the freshmen to have one more year, after middle school, of maturing and learning at Harrold. I feel that this has made my classmates and me much more equipped for the social and academic ups-and-downs of high school. However, as a building, Harrold was not the most ideal place to move about for 14/15 year old teens. For example, there were many instances of “traffic jams” during the transition of classes in Harrold’s hallways. I’m now pleased to express that this issue is now a thing of the past.
The academic rigor has also been a drastic change from life at Harrold. As an Honors student myself, the most difficult change and adjustment from Harrold to the high school is how hard the classes are. These past few weeks have both made me question my studying methods and whether it was such a good idea to take all honors classes. To put it plainly, high school is definitely challenging.
Aside from the physical and academic differences to being at the high school, I’ve noticed much more opportunities being offered while at the high school. Gone are the days of joining a “Game’s Club” or “LEGO Club.” Now, I can make a difference in not only others, but my own life as well through clubs like the United Spartans. I can now participate in volunteer work and services to the school community.
All in all, these first few weeks of being at the high school have been filled with highs and lows, but I still never fail to learn something new everyday. This year is looking like a great one! I’m hoping that my time here will continue to benefit me and my peers. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!