Warmth and fuzziness were in the air during the week of February 12-16 in the spirit of Kindness Week. Doors being held open and cards being made for each other surely had us all in good spirits, but nevertheless, a question posed itself. Shouldn’t every week be Kindness Week?
In an endeavor to shine some light on the topic of perpetual kindness, students around Hempfield High School spoke about what kindness means to them.
Jordan Wagner – Junior
“Kindness to me is making an effort to make sure people feel comfortable around you, and always working to bring people up and not down.”
Evey O’Leary – Junior
“Kindness is something you do for others, not as a reward, but you do it because you want to help people and be a decent person. If you can make one person happy or make their day better, then kindness spreads and is contagious.”
Micah Clayton – Senior
“Kindness to me is all about being considerate and caring. It’s lending an ear, offering a helping hand, or just being there for someone when they need it!”
Leah Williams – Sophomore
“[Kindness is] choosing to do something that helps others or yourself. It’s sharing things with others.”
Izzy Figueroa – Junior
“Kindness is the act of helping someone else not for self benefit, but to bless them without a return. It’s the fact that you are going out of your way to make their day better and to help them out just for the satisfaction of knowing you may have done something small to help them. But to them, it can make or break their day.”
While people might have slightly different views on how kindness is best explained, what it’s obvious that we can all agree on is that kindness is something to be sought after since it makes all of our lives a little brighter. And after all, who wants just a mere week of brightness?