Holiday break, a time students and staff long await for once thanksgiving break passes. To make the last day before the break all the more sweeter, teacher Mrs. Natalie Fetterman works with administrators, staff, and students to create a fun-filled day for everyone!
Moreover, the day will contribute to our Hempfield Area community as the Spartan Holiday Extravaganza donates to the Ronald Mcdonald House. Leading up to the big day, there is a spirit week and collections for different non-perishables that will be sorted into welcome bags. The Ronald Mcdonald House works with families whose children are currently receiving medical care and provides them a place to stay in order to be closer to their kids in a time of need. These bags will be donated to this organization for the holiday season and will be delivered by students in January.
During the extravaganza day period two is reserved for sophomores, period three is reserved for juniors, and period four is for seniors. After lunch periods, all students will return to homerooms and then head to unique stations.There are a multitude of stations ranging from cupcake decorating with Mrs. Thompson to price is right with Dr. Post!
You can sign up for stations today, December 15th! An email will be sent to Seniors (7:40), Juniors (7:50), and then Sophomores (8:00) opening up the scheduling links. More information on the stations can be found on the google doc sent out to all grade levels by Mrs. Fetterman.
A lot of hard work is going into this behind the scenes. Students part of the Spartan Planning Committee have come together and worked daily since October to be able to put together a fun event along with serving the community. Mrs. Fetterman says she wants people to know “We are so excited to make it a very special day before the end of break. It means a lot to us as the staff to send the kids off in such a special way, and we hope that everyone gets to enjoy it in some way shape or form!”